IMMUNITY 11 and smelly constituents in garlic into stabilized, sulfur-containing amino acids with potent antimicrobial and cancer-preventive actions.The subject of more than 750 published papers,AGE is the most widely studied form of garlic available. Mushroom Polysaccharides: Components in this common food stimulate cytotoxicity, important for cancer-cell death. Mushroom extracts improve the ratio of CD4 helper T-cell subsets called TH1 and TH2.This ratio determines the strength of cellular cytotoxic (direct cell-killing) activity in relation to antibody-directed immune activity.An imbalance that favors TH2 antibody responses predisposes us to autoimmune disease, cancer, stress-induced immune suppression, diabetes, and HIV infection. Mushroom polysaccharides, namely beta-glucans, enhance cellular, cytotoxic immunity by influencing which messenger molecules are released by the spleen and immune cells. Mushroom extracts also exert direct anti-tumor activity and block the signals that cancer cells use to develop a blood supply. If we can stop the blood supply to the cancer cells, we can stop them from growing into a cancerous tumor. Sterols and Sterolins: Plant sterols and sterolins regulate immune activity by improving the ratio of TH1 and TH2. Under the influence of stress-induced hormones and interleukins (components in cell-mediated immunity), a state of TH2 dominance occurs. In other words, the body favors antibody production over direct cytotoxic action. This imbalance can make one more vulnerable to autoimmune disease, cancer, stress-induced immune suppression, diabetes, and HIV infection. Sterols and sterolins reduce the secretion of stress hormones and associated chemicals. In this way, sterols and sterolins increase TH1 cytotoxic natural killer cell and T-cell activity. They also bring TH2-influenced, antibody- dependent immune responses back under control. Beta-sitosterol and its glucoside sitosterolin are typically used together in sterol/sterolin supplements. For the most benefit, however, they should be formulated in a ratio of 100:1. Numerous studies have found this formulation to effectively regulate the immune system, enhance an underactive immune system and/or restrain an overactive one. Probiotics: Beneficial bacteria in the intestines activate immune cells, increase natural killer cell activity, and are necessary in our fight against disease-causing bacteria. Any adult who has received a course of antibiotic therapy is likely to have developed a deficiency of beneficial bacteria in his or her digestive tract. A course of probiotics can restore the beneficial bacterial population and reduce the incidence of antibiotic side effects, such as diarrhea, upset stomach, and yeast infections. Individuals undergoing chemotherapy, radiation, or receiving immunosuppressant medications will typically benefit from probiotic supplements. Finally, people who contract gastritis or experience another intestinal malady may need probiotic replenishment. A well-functioning immune system is integral to vital health. Our immune system is complex and adaptive, and acts as a solid barrier against infection and diseases such as cancer. A healthy immune system requires lifestyle improvements. Obtaining adequate sleep and exercise, along with managing stress and eating well, will support strong and balanced immunity. Quitting smoking is another critical factor for robust immune function. Diet is especially important, with an emphasis on consuming flavonoids (colored vegetables and fruits), good fats, organically grown foods, and minimizing sugar and alcohol. Immune function is also enhanced with dietary supplements. Remember: Supplements can never replace a wholesome diet. All of these daily practices and interventions will support the intricate and dynamic immune system, our most essential life-sustaining protection.