LOVE YOUR LIVER 7 Chapter Three Supplement This! Because the liver is constantly called upon to accomplish superhuman tasks, it’s critically important to give it continual nutritional support. The following herbs and nutrients not only help to optimize overall liver function, they also specifically support the organ’s detoxification mechanisms. Aged Garlic Extract (AGE) is rich in beneficial organosulfur compounds and a potent antioxidant. There are more than 750 published research papers showing a wide range of AGE’s health benefits, especially for cardiovascular protection. However, preclinical studies suggest that AGE can also fortify liver function thanks largely to an organosulfur compound called S-allyl cysteine. Findings in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition suggest that this unique compound improves liver function in those with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Other research has found that AGE protects the liver from injury due to oxidative stress and may play a role in inhibiting the development of liver cancer cells.AGE’s best-known role in liver health is its ability to protect against drug and chemical toxicity. Research has found that AGE prevents acetaminophen toxicity by scavenging reactive oxygen species (ROS), increasing glutathione, and acting as an antidote in cases of overdose. Other studies show that AGE also prevents liver toxicity from various environmental chemicals like bromobenzene. Amla Fruit Extract is one of the most important foods in Ayurvedic medicine largely because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Scientific studies show that amla effectively prevents the toxic effects of many industrial chemicals, heavy metals, and certain drugs. In one study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, amla increased cell viability in cultured liver cells that had been treated with ethanol. But amla’s benefits aren’t limited to its ability to help the liver metabolize toxins. Preliminary research reports that this herbal extract also boosts the liver’s defense system by markedly increasing glutathione levels. L-Glutathione is the most powerful antioxidant made by the body, and the highest levels are found in the liver. Often called “The Master Antioxidant,” glutathione is a small molecule made up of three amino acids—cysteine, glycine, and glutamine. Along with quenching the free radicals in the liver, glutathione also plays a critical role in Phase II detoxification, the second part of the body’s two-step Go Green! A recent randomized clinical trial found that the superfood chlorella has remarkable detoxifying benefits for those with NAFLD. The study participants took either the popular diabetes drug metformin and vitamin E, or metformin and vitamin E combined with 1200 mg of chlorella. Those who took the drugs plus the algae experienced improvements in their diabetes markers, triglycerides, and abnormal liver enzymes. Chlorella is a potent source of B1, B2, B12, folic acid, and vitamins C and K. But not all supplements are created equal. The key to chlorella’s detoxing abilities lies inside its membrane, but the fibrous cell wall of chlorella is actually indigestible to humans. To get all of the health benefits chlorella has to offer, make sure your supplement states it contains “100 percent broken cell wall chlorella.” LOVE YOUR LIVER 7