Garlic with white pills


The Aged Garlic Extract Difference

Have you ever wondered what makes Aged Garlic Extract so beneficial? The secret lies in a unique aging process that transforms ordinary garlic to an herbal extract with multiple health benefits and without the odor common to other garlic products.

Kyolic’s Aged Garlic Extract, specifically,  is a form of garlic created using a quality assured, proprietary aging process. This proprietary aging process produces an odorless preparation and also converts the harsh, unstable organosulfur compounds in garlic into milder, more beneficial compounds, which are higher in antioxidants and other health benefits.

Did you know? garlic-bulbs

Through the ages, garlic has also been credited with numerous health benefits. Hippocrates, widely known as the “father of medicine,” prescribed garlic to treat wounds, fight infection, and ease digestive disorders. Garlic’s reputation as a medicinal wonder continued into the Middle Ages.

It was used in attempts to prevent the plague, cure leprosy, and treat a long list of other ailments! 

Traditionally, garlic bulbs were prepared in a variety of ways for medicinal purposes. The juice of the bulb was extracted and taken internally, while the bulb was ground into a paste for external treatment.

Since then, garlic has been made into oils, tinctures, tablets, and capsules that have enjoyed much popularity thanks to its rich antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.

Garlic is one of the oldest cultivated plants on the planet and has been used by various cultures for thousands of years. It was worshipped by the ancient Egyptians and thought to ward off evil spirits and increase strength. Ancient Greeks and Romans loved their garlic, too.

Greek athletes and soldiers ate garlic before entering the arena or the battlefield because they also thought it had strength-enhancing properties. Greek midwives hung garlic cloves in birthing rooms to repel demons. Roman soldiers ate garlic for inspiration and courage.

The Aging Process

However, as a growing number of studies show, there’s significantly more to garlic’s health benefits—and aging is the key. The Aged Garlic Extract (AGE) used in Wakunaga’s Kyolic brand supplements begins with garlic from certified organic farms in California’s Central Valley, where it is grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides.

When fully mature, the garlic is harvested, cleaned, and sliced before being placed in specialized stainless steel containers where it is aged without heat for up to 20 months.

This proprietary process mentioned increases the garlic’s antioxidant potential and converts harsh and unstable organosulfur compounds into the odorless, non-irritating, and bioavailable compounds which are responsible for AGE’s numerous health benefits.  Learn more about the chemistry of garlic here.

Kyolic’s aging process is quality assured from soil to shelf. The production process is controlled by over 250 stringent quality checks to ensure its safety and efficacy. Click here to read more about the aging process

Our manufacturing facility conforms to cGMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) guidelines in addition to ISO 9001:2015 and other international standards demonstrating our company’s commitment to the Quality Management System as audited by Intertek®. Learn more about our commitment to quality here.

Over forty-seven years of clinical research have documented the numerous benefits of Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract including:

  •         Lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels*
  •         Slowing the progression of coronary artery calcification*
  •         Inhibiting the accumulation of “soft” unstable plaque*
  •         Decreasing blood platelet adhesion and aggregation*
  •         Enhancing circulation*
  •         Supporting immune function*
  •         Reducing the risk of gingivitis*
  •         Easing stress*
  •         Improving gut microbiota*

It supports cardiovascular health, immune health, gut health and more in a way that raw garlic just cannot. Odorless capsules (liquid or tablets) are convenient and allow for better compliance – taking it every day for better health is easy.

Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract is the most clinically researched garlic supplement on the market. To date, it has been the subject of more than 870 peer-reviewed scientific articles from prestigious universities and research institutes from around the world, documenting both its efficacy and an unparalleled safety record.  With Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract’s foundation in science, consumers can have confidence in every bottle they buy.

That’s the Kyolic difference.

This article is for informational purposes only. This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.

Related FAQs

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What is the source of your gelatin capsules used in your Kyolic products?

Our gelatin capsules are bovine (from cows) only which are both Kosher- and Halal-certified.


Where are your Kyolic products manufactured?

Our finished products are manufactured in California, USA at our state-of-the-art GMP certified facility. Our Kyolic Liquid product is made from California garlic, and then aged and bottled in Japan, where they have been making it for over 70 years.


What are the health benefits of Kyolic AGE?

AGE has demonstrated in numerous clinical studies to support overall cardiovascular health by reducing many risk factors for heart disease (e.g., maintaining healthy coronary arteries, supports healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels already within normal ranges, enhance circulation, etc.). Our AGE has also been shown in clinical studies to show favorable impact in areas of immune function, gingivitis, stress and gut microbiota.


When should I expect results when taking your Kyolic products?

As with any dietary supplement, results vary from individual to individual. We generally recommend taking the product for one to three months before evaluating.