Podcast: Heart Health Strategies with Kyolic Omeg-AGE with Jim LaValle - Wakunaga of America
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Podcast: Heart Health Strategies with Kyolic Omeg-AGE with Jim LaValle

Jim LaValle recently joined the folks on Conscious Talk Radio and talked about how to support heart health, prevent against inflammation, and how Aged Garlic Extract and specifically Kyolic Omeg-AGE can help.

LaValle talks about our research regarding AGE and heart health, and how we have over 870 peer-reviewer supporting articles. Kyolic Omeg-AGE were mentioned at the 1:15 minute mark.

Click here to listen to this podcast.

About James LaValle

Jim (James) LaValle, R.Ph., C.C.N, a nationally recognized clinical pharmacist, author, board-certified clinical nutritionist, and founder of Metabolic Code Enterprises, Inc. a web platform and practice solution enterprise, launching AIR Support and the Metabolic Code Assessment.

This article is for informational purposes only. This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.