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Vlog: Powdered Green Drink Review from Nutritionist Sophie Uliano

Sophie Uliano, certified nutritionist and New York Times best-selling author, recently shared a “Friday Favorites” vlog that centered on her favorite powdered green drink mixes, including Kyo-Green Greens Blend, and why they are a great addition to our day to day routines.

Sophie mentioned that she often gets asked if green powders are really necessary, and she explained that she believes they have a wonderful place in our diet. She said it is a healthy, nutritious addition to add to our daily routines, in conjunction of course with practicing a healthy diet including vegetables and leafy greens.

Sophie discusses the different nutrients that can be found in green drink mixes, like “sea” grasses such as chlorella and spirulina, and “land” grasses like wheatgrass and barley grass. She also breaks down some of the health benefits of these nutrients as well:

  • Spirulina: Is high in protein, and high in chlorophyll, hence it’s rich green color. Sophie mentions that it is very important to know where this nutrient is from and how it was processed, to ensure it is not contaminated.
  • Chlorella: Also contains chlorophyll which gives it its green color, contains protein, and also includes the active form of vitamin B12. This nutrient is also a great detoxifier because it binds to heavy metals in your system.
  • Wheatgrass and Barley grass: Both “land” grasses are very helpful for gut health, contain proteins, vitamins and minerals, and are good for those with ulcerative colitis.

Next Sophie zeroes in on her love for Kyo-Green Greens Blend specifically. It includes kelp, which gives us a boost of iodine and is great for supporting thyroid health. And it contains “broken cell wall” chlorella, which is important because it makes it easier for our bodies to access the minerals and vitamins inside this nutrient. What Sophie really loves about Kyo-Green is that it comes in single serve packets, which she takes on the go, to work, and when she travels. She said it just makes life easier!

Take a watch here to learn more about the benefits of green drink powders.  Please subscribe to keep in touch!

This article is for informational purposes only. This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.

Related FAQs

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Are your Kyo-Green products organic?

Our Kyo-Green products are not USDA-certified organic. However, they are all non-GMO verified. And many of the individual ingredients are organic.


Are your Kyo-Green products suitable for vegans?

Yes, all of our Kyo-Green products are suitable for vegans.


Where are your Kyo-Green products manufactured?

Our Kyo-Green products, Greens Blend and Harvest Blend, are manufactured and packaged in the USA.