

Podcasts are a great way to keep up on health news. We’re busy! Podcasts are easy to access, let you multi-task and can travel with you where you go. Check out the latest news on heart health, probiotics or superfood greens in the articles here with direct links to the audio recordings. Enjoy!

Podcast: Why Probiotics Are a Great Addition to Our Daily Routine with Pharmacist Sherry Torkos

Holistic Pharmacist Sherry Torkos recently joined Bonnie Bonadeo at “Beauty Inside and Out” Radio to talk about Kyo-Dophilus and about

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Podcast: Why Probiotics Are Beneficial with Jim LaValle

Jim LaValle teamed up with Dr. Susanne Bennett to talk about probiotics, antibiotics, and how they can affect your gut microbiome.

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Podcast: Power Greens with Dr. Hoffman and Jim LaValle

Jim LaValle teams up with Dr. Ronald Hoffman on The Intelligent Medicine radio show to tackle the topic of greens!

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Podcast: What is Hypertension and What Supplement Can Help, with Dr. Hoffman and Jim LaValle

Did you know that more than 100 million U.S. adults have high blood pressure, according to new statistics from the American Heart Association.

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Podcast: How to Boost Heart Health using Aged Garlic Extract, with Jim LaValle and Dr. Hoffman

In light of National Heart Month, Jim LaValle, a nationally recognized clinical pharmacist, author, and board-certified clinical nutritionist, got together with Dr. Ronald Hoffman, one [...]

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Podcast: Staying Young at Heart with Jim LaValle

Jim LaValle and host Dr. Danielle Lin recently connected in a podcast called "The 8 Pillars for Staying Young at Heart, " which discussed simple [...]

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