b'Chapter FourHappy Belly HabitsC onsidering everything your gastrointestinal tract does for you, it makes sense to give it some TLC every day. That means eating a healthy diet, exercising, and learning to relax. What to Eat.Trade in highly processed foods for fresh fruits and vegetables, cold-water fish like salmon, and lean sources of proteinTry like organic poultry. Whole, minimally processed foods foster a healthyIntermittent balance of good to bad bacteria. Sugar and processed carbohydrates, on the other hand, feed your bad bacteria.Fasting you eat can Its also important to eat foods high in fiber, which helps to preventWhenconstipation and boosts beneficial bacteria. Probiotic-rich fermentedhave just as much of foods matter too. Strive for at least one serving of yogurt, brine-curedan impact on your olives, buttermilk, kefir, kimchi, miso, sauerkraut, or tempeh every day.microbiome as what you And dont forget to include foods that act as prebiotics, such as apples,eat. Researchers have asparagus, bananas, barley, flax seeds, garlic, oats, and onions.found that intermittent When to Move.Studies suggest that exercise might alter thefastinga way of eating bacterial composition of your digestive system, helping preventthat involves alternating disease. It is also key to maintaining overall good health. Research incycles of fasting and the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition eatingcan increasefound thatthe diversity of your the gut microbiota of athletes was more diverse and robust than thatgut bacteria and stop of nonathletes. Plus, the athletes had a higher metabolism, as wellinflammation in its as a more robust immune response and improved intestinal barriertracks. Whats more, function. People who exercise regularly also have a reduced risk ofanimal research shows colon cancer, diverticular disease, and constipation. Aim to get at leastthat adopting these daily 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily. fasting periods can also How to Chill.Stress can have a negative impact on the stabilitystrengthen your gut of your microbiota. Stress can also trigger IBS or IBD symptoms, asbarrier.well as indigestion. One of the best ways to manage gut-altering stress is with a few simple relaxation techniques. One review in theHow does intermittent Journal of Clinical Medicinefasting work? Simply found that IBS symptoms improved in people who practice mindfulness meditation on a regular basis.start eating later in the And a randomized clinical trial of 79 IBS patients reported that thoseday and eat your last who routinely practiced yogawhether in person or virtually meal earlier. For example, experienced a marked improvement in their gastrointestinaleat your first meal at symptoms. Plus, they reported improved sleep and a better qualitynoon and your last meal of life, as well as less anxiety. Other techniques that may help restoreat 8:00 p.m. This means a sense of calm to your gut include hypnosis, progressive muscleyoull be fasting for 16 relaxation, mental imaging, biofeedback, deep breathing, and evenhours each day. Your gut simply listening to soothing music. will thank you!T H E G O O D G U T 13'